First public exhibition of previously clandestine photographic art.
By the artist collective Avazê Xor (Avaze Khor) from Kurdistan with Elahe Beigi and Samira Moradipour
For the freedom rights of women & queer communities, resisting patriarchal violence.
Free Entrance. Donations are welcome.
Third exhibition: November 20th untill End of the year
LeZ – lesbisch-queeres Zentrum, Müllerstraße 26
Opening hours:
Thu. | Fri. | Sat. each from 5 to 10 p.m.
November 24th, 25th & 26th
December 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 8th, 9th, 10th, 15th, 16th, 18th,
22nd, 23rd, 29th , 30th
First exhibition: September 15th –24th
Kunstraum FLORIDA, Lothringer Straße 13
Opening hours: Thu/Fri + Mon-Fri 5–9pm // Sat/Sun 3–8pm
Second exhibition: October 17th – November 14th
Glockenbachwerkstatt, Blumenstraße 7
Opening hours: Mo-Thur: 5.30 pm – 11 pm (not November 1st)
Fr. from 7 pm

Please feel free to spread information on the project.
You can find up-to-date information here: , and
The space we want to create
Information: for being present – everybody!
Please help making this event a project as pleasant and as safe as possible for everybody!
Information on the content: Against sexualized violence and against racism!
The photographs of the exhibition concern the survival and visualization of sexualized violence.
- All pictures (and the whole project) were created in the context of feminist self-organization.
- Acts of violence are not displayed explicitly.
- People with nude bodies are shown.
- Make-up is used to artistically recreate the visible injuries.
- Yet, memories and feelings can be triggered.
When taken out of context, the contents can be disappropriated for anti-Muslim racism or orientalist interpretations. This is explicitly not in the interest of the exhibitants.
If you are white positioned and grew up in the global north, you surely internalized orientalist patterns of thought. This will be the compulsory perspective you take when visiting this exhibition. We therefore want to invite you to deal with the topics of racism and orientalism, inform and reflect upon yourself.
Read for example the publications by
- Tupoka Ogette (Trainer and consultant for antiracism and critique of racism and outhor of the book „Exit Racism“)
- Mohamed Amjahid محمد أمجاهد (Journalist, author, moderator, curator).
Care for yourself, because you are valuable.
If you notice before or during the exhibition that you are not feeling well, have a break and take the time you need to feel better again.
- You can ask friends or acquaintances for support.
- You can speak to us on-site.
- Or you can call (24/7) the help lines Hilfetelefon ( | 08000 116 016 ) or crisis service ( | 0800 / 655 3000 )
Unfortunately, due to many reasons, we have to be more spontaneous than planned! Please excuse that our announcements are on short notice. Please look under for current event details.
Please register as soon as possible via e-mail to confirm your participation (especially when spots are limited), and to declare special needs or apply for child care.
Come in: Accessibility and barriers
We try to reduce impediments for people with dis_abilities and try to take care of individual needs.
- Access-Plan Kunstraum Florida
- Access-Plan Glockenbachwerkstatt
- LeZ: access plan (PDF for download (in german))
Please contact us if you need more information. And tell us how we can provide further support for you (e.g. with suitable seating, reading aloud, translation, quiet rooms …).
The exhibition spaces are reachable for wheelchair users by a ramp. For details (e.g. non barrier-free bathrooms), please see the access plans.
The exhibition is labelled in German and English.
Please contact us if you want to participate and need a translation/translator. We will try to organize a whisper translation.
Some events will be translated into sign language. Please tell interested people in your circle of acquaintances.
Getting to know each other and sharing
This space is also meant to be a space for connecting. Let’s get in touch, talk to each other and share information.
If you would like to hear more from the Queerfeminist Network, leave us your contact information.
Spread information about the events on social media or pass it on!
Please pay attention to the note on permissions for sharing photos, audio and video recordings of the exhibition
Consent means approval
We wish to create a space where you feel supported and can develop personally, especially if you are denied the possibility to do so often.
Consent means approval or agreement.
Ask if you are unsure.
Suggestions and feedback
Share your thoughts, inspirations and wishes in the exhibition’s guest book on site.
All those who are involved in the project are in a process of learning. We want to enable the best participation possible! To support us, we invite you to give us personal feedback to all aspects important for your participation.
Throw a note in the box or write an email to: [email protected].
Between „abolishing (national) borders“ and „taking (personal) boundaries seriously“
In order to make as many people as possible feel comfortable, we ask you to be aware of your assumptions on others.
For example their gender/pronoun, language, origin, situation in life, hearing/deaf, etc.
Be especially aware that these are only assumptions which can be wrong and hurt. Please act not according to them, with general friendlyness.
If you see or experience behaviour that does not respect your boundaries or those of others, we will try our best to support you. We invite you to let us know.
Discrimination and violence have no place here
Discrimination and violence comprise beside others:
- all types of racism (for example against muslims, black people or Sinti and Roma)
- Hostility against homosexual, trans or queer people
- antisemitism (Hostility against jews, for example by demonisation, double standards, delegitimation)
- sexism (degradation in context of the category gender), misogyny (hostility against women)
- classism (degradation because of so-called „social or socio-economical origin“ or „class“, for example due to level of formal education or money)
- ableism (degradation based on body or mental state)
- fatshaming (degradation because of weight)
- ageism (degradation because of age)
Getting kicked out
Persons who showed sexist, racist, nationalist, antisemitic, hostile against queer or trans people, or other misanthropic behaviour are denied the access to the site. This holds especially for people who are part of a right-wing parties or organisations or can be assigned to the right-wing scene.
Violent or invasive behavour is not tolerated.
Taking Covid protection seriously!
Please test yourself!
The whole programme takes place taking the current Covid protection and hygiene measures into account. Masks can be worn. Rapid antigen self-tests are recommended and provided on-site. (Effective October 7, 2022)
Guidelines for permission to take photos, audio or video recordings in the exhibition
Please only record or take photos in the exhibition
without showing the objets d’art directly
with explicite consent of the people depicted.
There is no general permission to record (audio, video, photo).
An exceptional permission has to be asked for in advance and will only be given for recordings for recordings whose publication has a recognisable factual connection with the event, taking into account the interests of the artists and participants.
Please help to make this event an enjoyable and as safe as possible for everyone!

Dates of single events
This project is supported by:
Stattpark Olga | Refugio München
Kunstraum Florida | LeZ & Les Community | Glockenbachwerkstatt
Kulturreferat der Landeshauptstadt München
[ BA 1, 2 und 5 der Landeshauptstadt München (applied) | Migrationsbeirat der Landeshauptstadt München (applied) ]