daneben zeigt: A Question of Silence

Dienstag - 25.02.2025
19:00 Uhr

daneben im kafe marat
thalkirchnerstr 102
81371 münchen


Three women, strangers to each other, brutally kill a male shopkeeper in the middle of the day, with apparently no motive and no premeditation. And then admit to the crime without any remorse.

A female psychiatrist is assigned to the case to determine they are “sane” and thus fit to stand trial.

Seen by many as a classic of feminist cinema, the film delivers rage, disruption, catharsis, and the hope for solidarity. Queer feminist film maker Julia Fuhr Mann will be present afterwards for a discussion and to provide film historical context.

Director: Marleen Gorris, NL, 1982, 92 mins, NL with Engl. subtitles

Vegan soup from 19:00, film starts 19:30

Open for all genders

Entrance €2,50



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