(Zugtreffpunkt nach Manching bei Ingolstadt) Kundgebung: No Lager – nowhere! Alle bleiben!

Samstag - 07.11.2015
12:10 Uhr


Treffpunkt am  7.11.2015 um 12:10 am Münchner Hbf Gleis 20 nach Manching.
-> Muc hbf bis Ingolstadt hbf, dann mit dem Bus 11 zur Station  „Weiherfeld, Ingolstadt“ -> dann noch ca.  10 Minuten Fußweg

Kommt mit!

Gegen besorgte Bürger*innen, ihre Politiker*innen und ihren Staat:
Lager abschaffen!
Abschiebungen stoppen!
Bleiberecht für alle!

Abschiebungen stoppen!
Bleiberecht für alle!


The deportation-camp in Manching is built near a military airport that makes it easy to deport refugees by army planes in a very silent and isolated process, without the possibility for people outside to intervene and without the possibility for refugees inside to be heard. On 7th November we come to the deportation-camp in Manching to speak out our absolute solidarity with you/refugees in this extremely unequal confrontation and make a clear position with standing behind those people whom in state’s eyes don’t “deserve” the right to stay. We come there to make the first steps of practical solidarity: opening a platform for you to speak, listen to you and show you that we will intervene as far as we can if you wish.



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